It Is June
Monday, June 02, 2014
It is June!
We are jumping into this month with both feet! Exciting times… celebrating the school year that is quickly coming to an end. Class trips, class parties, extra outdoor activities, finishing up learning for the year, and Grade 8 graduation! And then the last day for all the other classes! For teachers, this is a bittersweet month of year. We are excited to see how far the students have come and are thrilled that they are ready to move into another stage in their lives. However, students have woven themselves into the teachers' hearts and this is a time of 'letting go', which is difficult. We find our strength and joy in the knowledge that God has "engraved [our students] on the palms of His hands" (Isaiah 49:16).
Pray for WCS students and teachers this month- for safety, protection, joy and ability to finish the year strong!
Mrs. Huinink-Buiter
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