Science Fair
God’s Glory Revealed in Creation.
“the universe is before our eyes like a beautiful book in which all creatures, great and small, are as letters to make us ponder the invisible things of God”. Belgic Confession Article 2
Research cutbacks by government alarm scientists
Federal government has dismissed more than 2,000 scientists in past 5 years
THE SILENCE OF THE LABS/the fifth estate
London chapter opposes dump near Ingersoll Jun 30, 2014. June 30, 2014 - 9:16am …The article continues… “We have more (fresh water) here (in Canada than other countries),” she said. “We’re more blessed than most, but instead of being cavalier, we have a responsibility (to protect the water). We’re stewards of the water.” Barlow said there is no such thing as a landfill that doesn’t leak.
We have just completed our annual science fair. Students approach this large endeavour in a variety of ways, ranging from excitement to apathy. As the science fair coordinator as WCS, I am always moved and impressed by the show of projects on display in our gym for this event. Being a teacher who loves science, I bemoan the fact that more families and supporters do not take the opportunity to view this awesome exhibition of student learning. What better way to honour the Creator than to explore the intricacy and wonder of the creation? How do we come to understand the glory of God that is evident in the created environment? We joke about how the stress level in families increases as science fair approaches. How do we as adults support our students as they study creation? How do we respond to major creation-keeping issues in the news?
The headlines above attempt to bring attention to stewardship issues that we, as creation-keepers, need to attend to. What will water quality be like in 30 years, or 50 years if we don't pay attention now? Are there some social justice issues in which we should involve ourselves? Do we know what is going on in the world around us? What are we, as Christians, called to do?
I recently heard an interview with Vandana Shiva, an environmentalist, author, physicist and social activist who spoke of the seven generation rule. Shiva says, "When we make really major decisions about earthkeeping, we should ask not only what will it do for me today, but what will it do for my children, my children's children, and their children's children into the future? (Questions for good ancestors. p.133)" The Bible speaks of the consequences of sin affecting the third and the fourth generation of the offenders. God also promises his faithfulness from generation to generation, even to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments. Are we faithful earthkeepers?
C. Verbeek