800 Juliana Drive, Woodstock, Ontario

Phone: 519-539-1492


Snow Days


As I write this, it is dark out (6:15 am), the snow is blowing and visibility is near zero. It is definitely a 'snow day', one for which it was easy to decide to cancel the buses and school for the day. Last Friday was not such an easy call. The decision on whether to run the buses is often a difficult one. We depend on the expertise of Lang's Bus Lines, who also cover a large area of routes in Oxford County.  On Friday, on some of our pick-up areas the roads were treacherous and in others it was clear. The forecast for the day looked promising, and the plows were out clearing the roads. However, at 6:20 when Lang Bus Lines cancelled their buses we made the decision to cancel for the day as well.  As conditions improved during the day, I wished we had been able to have school. Yet, I am very thankful for the wisdom of the other local bus lines as they make their decisions. For them, as for us, the safety of our children is of utmost importance.

Thanks to all of you for your support in this matter.

Mrs Bernice Huinink-Buiter
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