You're Sending....
"You're Sending Your Kids Where?" is an article that was published in the final edition of Christian Home and School, Fall 2015. It was written by Kathy Coffey, in 1989. 26 years ago the author states her, and her husband's, reasons for desiring a Christian education for their children. The 5 reasons were as follows: the story, the community, the priorities, the exposure and the expectations (p.37). At WCS we are blessed by a God who gives us space, ability, resources and people to continue to enjoy giving and receiving Christian education. God's story of creation, the fall, redemption and restoration is our story. A story that is told daily at WCS through curriculum, personal narratives and our visible walk with Jesus Christ our Saviour. Our community is comprised of young and old, family and friends, teachers and students, believers and open hearts. Our priority is to educate the whole child using the biblical perspective that we are created unique and in God's image. We expose our students to people and situations that they may respond to through service. We expect our students to listen for and respond to God's call to productively, and faithfully, use the gifts and talents He has equipped them with.
In His Service,
Mrs. Racicot