Palm Sunday
Monday, April 15, 2019
Yesterday, in my church the Sunday School students stood at the back behind closed doors waiting for their entry into the sanctuary at an appointed time. It is an annual occurrence on Palm Sunday that students wave palm branches down the aisles as a reminder what happened when Jesus was about to enter Jerusalem. It was in his day that Jesus rode into town on a donkey, and a large crowd gathered and laid palm branches and cloaks across the road as they welcomed the Son of David. But what we, the adults in church, expected was not to be. Instead the students waved swords down the aisles as a reminder to us of what kind of Saviour the Jews were expecting. The crowd wanted a Saviour to deliver them from the hands of the Romans. What they received instead is a Saviour who could deliver them from their sins.
As we approach Good Friday and Easter take time to reflect on the message that Christ came into the world to be a Saviour who delivers us from our sins. It is a "lifesaver" (to use a word we heard at the Volunteer Tea this morning) that our students can hear that consistent message each year, each week, and each day at Woodstock Christian School. They can proclaim that "God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16)
Have a blessed Good Friday and Easter!
G. Hiemstra
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