Oliver Twist Production
Please, go back in time to 5 weeks ago when the older students performed the play Oliver Twist. What a blessing the play was to our school, our school community, the students, and myself. As the co-director with Mrs. Martin, I had the enjoyable privilege of watching the students develop their acting skills. It is so interesting and exciting to watch them come to an understanding of how their character moves, talks, reacts, and thinks in each situation their character find themselves in. What an awesome experience it is to observe children as they grapple and struggle with the not so nice things their characters do. It is so fun to see them become the character and be free to act. WCS is so blessed to be able to put on a major production every other year! I am grateful for the learning opportunities these productions give our students.
I want to thank each student who acted in Oliver Twist. I am so proud of you! You were always eager and dedicated in practices. Thank you to all the teachers who helped behind the scenes with props, costumes, and set. Without your assistance, the play would not have been successful. Our stage crew was willing and eager to tackle every job given them. Thanks guys! A very huge thanks to the parents who encouraged, helped memorizing lines, found costumes, and picked up their children from practices (and more). Without all your dedication and prayers the play would not have been a success. Thank you, God, for all the talents and abilities you have given these children and how they overcame fears and gave an amazing performance.
N. Van Andel