Pray without Ceasing
At Woodstock Christian School, we are blessed with a true privilege.
Prayer - communication with our God.
Prayer times are intentionally scheduled at WCS: daily opening devotions, Monday morning staff devotions, Prayer Group, before lunch, and at the opening and closing of meetings. Students study Jesus’ example of prayer and the history of prayer during Bible classes. However, those are not the only times you will find prayer happening at our school. Prayers are said silently and aloud throughout the day - because we know our Father hears us at all times. He sees and hears a parent watching their child(ren) go onto the bus or into school doors, praying with open eyes for a good day. He hears the bus drivers praying as they start their engines in the early mornings, for safe travels and working buses. He hears the student praying for courage or energy as they enter the school or before a test. He hears the staff pray for each child, that they may reach each one the best they can. God also hears YOU! Please join us as we all pray for Woodstock Christian School and its students, staff, facility, and community around it. Pray without ceasing, to our God who is greater! He is overall, through all, and in all!