Restorative Justice Video Series Home/School Evening:
You are invited to our fourth monthly home/school evening focusing on restorative justice at WCS scheduled for
Thursday evening, January 23rd from 7:30-9:00 pm.
This month we will be watching a 38 minute video produced by the Pacific Region of the RCMP for the Community Justice Forum entitled "Planting the Seeds” telling the story of how a community experienced healing through a formal restorative justice circle after several boys from a local school brought devastation to several neighbourhood homes. There will be time for relating this story to what happens at WCS in our commitment to be a restorative justice school.
Plan to join us for this informative, community- building evening!
PLEASE RSVP by Tuesday, January 21th if you plan to come. We need 5 people to sign up for this event to happen.
You can email the school at or call 519 539 1492