On our road-trip back from our vacation this March Break, my husband and I stumbled across a radio station playing a pastor’s Sunday sermon. It was a lively sermon and the way the pastor spoke beckoned us to lean in and listen closely. We didn’t catch his name...but we did catch the message he was sharing with his congregation. He was speaking on Jesus’ words in Matthew 5 and shared something I had never reflected on about this verse before.
In Grade Two this month, we are focusing on Jesus’ Ministry during His time on Earth….and the verse the pastor preached on is part of our Memory Work for the month of March! It always makes me smile when things I’m teaching in classroom are directly related to things taking place in my own walk with the Lord. This was the verse: Matthew 5:13a, (NIV) “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again?” {Maybe you’ll join us in memorizing this portion of the verse this week...}
Here is a paraphrase of what I took away from the pastor’s message. With his southern drawl and a few “Hallelujah! and Amens!” added for emphasis, he said this: “If we are called to be the salt of earth, then we should be making people thirsty.” This resonated with me. It reminds me that in all of my words and all of my actions, I can share the truth of Jesus. We should be living our lives in such a way that people become thirsty for more – thirsty for the Living Water. Jesus is the only one who will quench all of our thirstiness – once and for all. This is good news!
As you walk and talk with God, will you share this message of Living Water with those around you this week?
Kristen Vanderploeg
A Worker's Prayer
"Sick" has always been one of my favourite Shel Silverstein poems. A little while ago I read it to my class and they thought it was so funny, especially because they thought my voices and actions were funny - I mean who listens to a teacher complaining about having to go to school? If I’m being honest, I never really cared for poetry growing up. I never understood it, and really didn’t want to. But then I became a teacher and began to discover all these incredibly funny poets - poets who write meaningful ideas that you can actually understand.
Over the past month, grades 1-4 have been looking at poetry in various ways. All students were tasked with choosing a poem and memorizing it to share with their peers, possibly at the Poetry Meet this week, and possibly at OASIS with some seniors from our community. As I have watched my students learn their poems, and their grade 8 buddies help them with some presentation skills, I can't help but think about God's amazing community, community from inside our school and outside, being bonded together through a single form of writing.
Erica Schuster
SNOW DAY MONDAY FEBRUARY 25: Buses are cancelled and the school is closed for the day due to blowing snow and squalls.
FEBRUARY 21. FOG DAY PROCEDURE. Due to icy County and gravel roads, the morning buses will not run today. The school is open and parents may bring students when they feel it is safe to do so. Temperatures are rising and we hope to send out PM buses at 330pm.
Please note that LDCSS is closed. The London bus shuttle will not run today.
WCS PANCAKE BREAKFaST in support of EDUDEO. Did you know that at least 72 Million primary school-age children worldwide are not in school? Children either live too far from schools, need to work/earn money to support their families, or they can’t afford essentials such as uniforms or school supplies. Our annual pancake breakfast @ WCS helps support our neighbours around the world. This year, breakfast money is designated for Edu-Deo Ministries. The focus of Edu-Deo is on the transformative power of Christian education worldwide. Edu-Deo Ministries (formerly Worldwide Christian Schools) is a Canadian, Christian, mission organization serving children in developing countries with quality education rooted in a Biblical worldview. Education is one of the most powerful tools for reducing poverty. Edu-Deo Ministries promotes sustainable schools by partnering long-term with existing school associations and mission organizations. Their goal is to take the effective tool of education and combine it with the transforming message of the Gospel. Woodstock Christian School, on Wednesday, get comfy, get ready for pancakes, and help us support Edu-Deo! For more information see edudeo.com
Carol Verbeek
February 13 Snow Day
WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 13 - - - Due to road conditions, squalls, and drifting, WCS buses are cancelled. The school is closed for the day. Kindergarten registration will be postponed to Wednesday, February 20th. Early morning ice hockey practice is cancelled. Electives are cancelled as well today.
Winter storm is approaching. Warnings are in place re freezing rain, snow, and wind to impact driving conditions for the day. WCS buses are cancelled. School is closed.
THURSDAY JANUARY 7TH: Due to poor road and driving conditions in our region, WCS buses are cancelled and the school will be closed for the day.
SNOW/ICE DAY: Wed Feb 6 - Due to poor road and weather conditions, WCS buses are not running and the school is closed. Hockey practice and electives are cancelled. Kindergarten registration day will be rescheduled.